28 Days of Poetry Celebrating Black History III
Dr. Latorial Faison
This third volume in the trilogy collection, 28 Days of Poetry Celebrating Black History, yields a poetic glimpse into the rich, important history of Africans in America. Here, Faison continues a verbally artistic exploration of African American history from slavery to the present. From the most famous poem in this collection, “What is Black History?” to every single other one included, you will reflect on Black History and feel renewed, inspired, and elated to know more about how African Americans helped to make America a great nation from the very beginning.
This collection focuses on the realities of slavery, Jim Crow, and legendary icons in history. Faison writes in various forms using both rhyme and free verse in a way that is both teaching and telling. Poems for young readers are included in this volume. However, readers of all ages will find this book an honest tribute to the reflections and recollections of this history. Parents, educators, organizers, and poetry lovers will appreciate this volume of poetry. Each poem yields a topic of discussion that will bring the study of Black History full circle for individuals and groups. If you’re wondering where to start or what to begin with as you study and research Black History, this is it.
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