RETURN TO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PRIVATE PAGEOther Private PagesThe password is Dance2024 Branch Members Private PageMembers Private PageDirectories and Committee Lists The Executive Council DirectoryEC All Committee Members by Committee Directory2024 COMMITTEE LIST AND MEMBERSCommittee Google Drives 2022 Committee chairs should place their transition documents in the the appropriate folder for the 2023 committees. Academic Program Committee, Lionel Kimble (Vice Chair), Daryl M. Scott (Vice Chair), Darius J Young (Vice Chair)ASALH 2023 Theme, Aaisha Haykal, ChairAudit and Finance Committee, Anita Shepherd, ChairAwards Committee, Cornelius Lyn Bynum, ChairConference Planning Team, Marvin Dulaney and Jeff Banks, Co-ChairsDevelopment Committee, Marvin Dulaney, ChairExecutive Council (EC), Executive Committee, Planning Committee, Marvin Dulaney, PresidentFestival Committee, Gladys Gary Vaughn, ChairFestival Marketing & PR Committee, Mesha Williams, ChairGovernance Committee, Kenvi Phillips, ChairHoward/Mellon Grant Task Force, Aaisha Haykal & Marvin Dulaney, LeadersHuman Resources Committee, Susan Simms Marsh, ChairMarketing and PR Committee, Zebulon Miletsky, ChairNational Membership Committee, Ida Jones, ChairNominating Committee, David Mathew Walton, ChairEvent Oversight, Jeff Banks, ChairProgram Planning Committee, Aaisha Haykal, ChairPublic Commentary/Rapid Response Committee, Deirdre Foreman, ChairASALH TV and Digital Resources Committee, Lopez Matthews, ChairStrategic Planning Committee, Sundiata Cha-Jua, ChairWoodson House Committee, Aaisha Haykal, ChairAbout the Executive Council Members EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBERSGoverning Documents CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICYCODE OF ETHICSASALH CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWSASALH ORGANIZATION CHARTEXECUTIVE COUNCIL HANDBOOKROLE OF CLUSTER LEADERS AND COMMITTEE CHAIRSFiling Certificate for ASALH Articles of Incorporation AmendmentCorp Non Profit Domestic AmendmentASALH Articles of Incorporation Articles of Amendment Insurance and Cyber Security Documents 2324 D&O EPLI policyASALAH Cyber media appASALAH Cyber reportExpoplus Event Cancellation Application newExpoplus highlightsPackage policy 2324Travelers crime app for social engineering or phishing scamsTravelers new crime appWC policy 2324Submission Forms National Program Calendar Submission FormASALH Program Request FormASALH TV Program Ideas Submission FormEXECUTIVE COUNCIL FOOD PREFERENCES ASALH Program Request Form in Word (Working Draft Copy) Project Approval Process PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL PROCESSDUE DATES FOR THE PLANNING PROCESS 2021Committee Timelines and Processes FESTIVAL AND LUNCHEON TIMELINECONFERENCE TIMELINE Refer to page 7 of the Constitution for the Election Process THE AWARDS PROCESSAgreements and Special Final Reports The Black Family - Final ReportASALH 2020 Audit ResultsBLACK FAMILY DIGITAL RESOURCESAgreement between ASALH & the NPS for use of the Woodson Historic SiteFORM 990 - 2020 Return of Organization Exempt From Income TaxCESU Master Cooperative AgreementMOU for ASALH and BCALASigned ASALH UCP Agreement_19 April 2017 RETURN TO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PRIVATE PAGE