DATE CHANGE– The Forum on The Black Family – Worship Traditions and Faith Institutions will be held on Saturday July 17, 2021 1-3 pm (Zoom ID: 846 5281 2644 Password: 468445)
CHARLESTON AREA BRANCH ANNUAL RETREAT– Saturday August 14, 2021 1-3 pm ( Zoom ID: 894 2972 0982 Password: 482303) Agenda 1) President’s Mid -Year Report 2) Proposed By – Laws Amendments 3) 2022 Branch Planning
NATIONAL OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ELECTION BALLOTS DUE JULY 31, 2021. Each member should have received an electronic or paper ballot. If you have not please let me know and /or call national office 202.238.5910
- Branch members are participating on the Charleston County School District stakeholder group to develop the plan for expending $163 million in Federal Funding to address the learning outcomes due to SC Department of Education by August 24, 2021
- Charleston County School District Task Force on New Social Studies Curriculum meeting July 21- Several members of the branch have been invited to participate an effort initiated by branch member Margaret Seidler to incorporate inclusive content in the Social Studies curriculum under the new state standards
- YouTube reports 392 views of the 24th Charleston Middle Passage Remembrance. Congratulations to Committee Chair Regina Williams and Branch Historian Deana Davis
- Aaisha Haykal Secretary of Charleston Area Branch ASALH is running unopposed for ASALH national Vice President for Programs
- W. Marvin Delaney co-founder of the Charleston Area Branch ASALH is a candidate for ASALH national President
- The ASALH 2022 Black History theme is “Black Health and Wellness”. If you have ideas for activities, projects or programs that you would like to see our branch undertake please share them with Gwendy Harris ( [email protected])
- “The Midnight Mayor Of Charleston SC : The Henry Smith Story authored by Charleston Ara Branch ASALH member Dr Maxine Smith is available for purchase on Amazon