The poster session will be held on Friday, October 4 from 10 – 11:45 a.m. in the Convention Center in Ballroom C4. This event is free and open to the public. Branches will display their posters during the event and again on Saturday from 8:30 – 11:45 in this same area.
Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) 2019 Call for Posters: Black Migrations
104th Annual Meeting and Conference
North Charleston, SC
The 2019 ASALH Program Committee invites submissions for posters that address the conference theme, “Black Migrations,” but any timely subject of interest to African American history will be considered. Submissions are welcome from all ASALH members, especially students and new professionals. Presenters must be available to discuss their posters and projects during the session.
Poster sessions are a means to communicate and exchange ideas, programs, research, and projects to fellow ASALH meeting attendees. This is a forum for exchanging innovative ideas, and for useful feedback and discussion. Viewers have an opportunity to become acquainted with new work quickly and easily and have more time to study the information and discuss it with presenters. Posters are often used to showcase a completed project, or to communicate ideas about research in progress. Poster sessions may present any of the following:
• a description of an innovative program
• an examination of a practical, problem-solving endeavor
• an explanation of a research investigation
• novel projects or case studies
• branch histories
• community and/individual profiles
Conference Theme
2019 theme, “Black Migrations,” emphasizes the movement of people of African descent to new destinations and subsequently to new social realities. While inclusive of earlier centuries, this theme focuses especially on the twentieth century through today. Beginning in the early decades of the twentieth century, African American migration patterns included relocation from southern farms to southern cities; from the South to the Northeast, Midwest, and West; from the Caribbean to US cities as well as to migrant labor farms; and the emigration of noted African Americans to Africa and to European cities, such as Paris and London, after the end of World War I and World War II. Such migrations resulted in a more diverse and stratified interracial and intra-racial urban population amid a changing social milieu, such as the rise of the Garvey movement in New York, Detroit, and New Orleans; the emergence of both black industrial workers and black entrepreneurs; the growing number and variety of urban churches and new religions; new music forms like ragtime, blues, and jazz; white backlash as in the Red Summer of 1919; the blossoming of visual and literary arts, as in New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Paris in the 1910s and 1920s. The theme Black Migrations equally lends itself to the exploration of the century’s later decades from spatial and social perspectives, with attention to “new” African Americans because of the burgeoning African and Caribbean population in the US; Northern African Americans’ return to the South; racial suburbanization; inner-city hyperghettoization; health and environment; civil rights and protest activism; electoral politics; mass incarceration; and dynamic cultural production
This theme suggests that contemporary conditions are cause for critical pause in considerations and studies. We are interested in proposals that probe the theme within the traditional fields of economic, political, diplomatic, intellectual, and cultural history; the established fields of urban, race, ethnic, labor, and women’s/gender history as well as southern, Appalachian, and western history; and the rapidly expanding fields of sexuality, LBGT, and queer history; environmental and public history; African American intellectual history; carceral state studies; and transnational and global studies across all fields, topics, and thematic emphases
Submission Procedures
• Create an account through All-Academic accessed via the ASALH website
• All proposals must be submitted electronically to ASALH through the All Academic online system (fill out your name, title, affiliation, and contact
• Choose the POSTER option from the individual presentation category
• A max of four presenters per poster
• 300-word abstract with title (Applicants should describe how they will present the project in a poster format what kind of visual materials they will use, for example, photographs, data samples, graphs, et cetera, and how these illustrate the project or a particular aspect of the work).
Deadlines for Submissions
Early Bird: March 1, 2019
Last Day: April 1, 2019
Note: If your poster is accepted you are expected to join the Association register for the conference and to stand by your poster for the duration of the poster sessions
Review and Selection Process
The Committee will review, judge, and select abstracts using the following criteria:
• Contribution to ASALH 2019 theme
• Clarity of writing and organization of ideas
• Ideas have potential to be adapted to other sites or programs
• Creativity and originality
• Significance for field of study
More details will be available at or contact the Poster Committee, [email protected]
Poster Specifications Set Up
• Posters will be set up on easels, so they should be able to sit up on their own
• One poster per presenter
• Posters typically include pictures, data, graphs, diagrams and narrative text on boards that are approximately 40×32 inches.
• Authors are required to present their posters during scheduled times during the meeting.