20170405 01 025 Awards ceremony

I invite you to serve as a judge at the 2020 DC National History Day competition on Monday, April 6 (Junior Division) and/or Tuesday, April 7 (Senior Division) at the National Archives, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, DC.

The National History Day 2020 theme is Breaking Barriers in History. Numerous middle and high school students in DC immerse themselves in in-depth research, and create original exhibits, documentaries, websites, performances, or papers exploring a breath of historical topics.

Please register to judge at dc.nhd.org Click on Judge’s Main page to learn more about judging at the DC NHD competition. To register as a judge, go to the Create Account tab at the top. Choose Judge from the dropdown menu and follow the instructions.

If you have questions about the DC NHD competition or the registration process, please call or email me.

More about District of Columbia National History Day is below:

Monday, April 6 (Junior Division) and Tuesday, April 7, 2020 (Senior Division)
National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Top three winners receive recognition at concluding awards ceremony.

What is National History Day?

National History Day is a year-long academic program focused on historical research, interpretation and creative expression for 6th- to 12th-grade students. By participating in NHD, students become writers, filmmakers, web designers, playwrights and artists as they create unique contemporary expressions of history.

District of Columbia National History Day 2020

• Theme: Breaking Barriers in History
• The DC National History Day competition will be held at the National Archives and Records Administration 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC
• Monday, April 6 – Junior Division (Grades 6-8)
• Tuesday, April 7 – Senior Division (Grades 9-12)
• Registration deadline for DC NHD competition – Friday, March 13 at 11:59 PM
• Websites lock and papers due: Friday, March 20 at 11:59 PM
• National History Day will be June 14-18, 2020 at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD