Job Title: Program Associate, Oral History Association
Job Type: Full Time
Application Review Begins: January 31, 2025
Start Date: February 2025
Salary and Benefits: $40,000 per year; Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA); 401(k)
Required Travel: 5%-10%
The Program Associate is responsible for the daily operation of the Oral History Association. This position reports to the assistant and executive directors who manage workflow, and to the OHA Council which dictates the direction and overall governance of the organization. The Program Associate will be a direct employee of the Oral History Association but will work in the Executive Office located on the campus of Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
Preferred Skills and Abilities:
Candidates should possess a bachelor’s degree with a master’s degree preferred. They should also have project management skills, a friendly customer service mindset, self-motivation, adaptability, a strong attention to detail, and writing and editing skills. Candidates should also be able to work collaboratively with others, and to either self-teach or find appropriate training for unfamiliar programs, concepts, etc. They should be comfortable using online software such as WordPress, QuickBooks, and membership and event registration software, or be able to quickly learn, maintain, and teach others how to use said software.
Experience with basic bookkeeping and financial management is preferred. Other desired skills include HTML/general website and hosting management experience, event planning experience, and a background in Public History, Oral History, other related fields, or working with other professional organizations.
To Apply:
Submit a letter of interest and a resume or CV to OHA Executive Director Stephen Sloan at [email protected]. Review of applications will begin January 31, 2025. Position begins February 2025.
Job Duties/Responsibilities:
- Membership o Maintain the online membership website o Manage membership renewals and benefits o Send regular email news updates to membership, along with a bimonthly news blast o Track membership o Create reports as needed for annual journal mailings, fundraising, etc.
- Annual meeting o Work with other OHA staff and the site selection company to select venues o Work with Vice President and Program Chairs to contract for outside venues, tours, audio visual company, and special events
- Set up and maintain proposal submission software
- Work with Vice President and Program Chairs on scheduling the conference program and communicating with conference participants
- Work with hotel staff to plan room set up and activities for all meeting spaces, select food and beverage menus, and manage staffing
- Manage reserved room block at hotel o Solicit exhibitors, advertisers, and assist with sponsor solicitation
- Work with the Program Chairs, graphic designers, etc. to put together the program booklet, online and in print, for annual meeting
- Order all supplies needed for the annual meeting such as name badges and signage o Recruit and manage volunteers o Staff and manage onsite registration table throughout conference
- Manage overall event, problem-solving and assisting participants as necessary
- Bookkeeping/finance o Assist assistant and executive directors and Finance Committee in developing annual budget
- Pay invoices and deposit checks o Track invoices and deposits and create reports using QuickBooks online software o Work with accounting firm to provide documentation for 1099 and 990 tax forms; provide all necessary reports for annual review/audit
- Maintain all OHA accounts: checking, merchant account, money market account,
Vanguard endowment accounts, credit card processing gateway o Assist Executive Director with fundraising efforts for endowment
- Elections o Set up and maintain online form for elections o Oversee election timeline and announcements o Gather materials on elected candidates for website, newsletter, etc.
- Email/phone support o Answer general OHA email, phone, and written inquiries about membership, projects, funding, and resources. Forward emails as needed to the Executive Director or appropriate member/resource.
- Newsletter
- Produce digital newsletters using articles provided by newsletter editor. Responsible for layout, photo selection, testing, and emailing to membership.
- Website
- Maintain website, working with graphic designer as needed o Post information for feature articles
- Update pages as needed for Annual Meeting, scholarships, awards, and grants o Create/update other content as needed
- Scholarships and Awards o Maintain application forms and oversee process for annual OHA scholarships, awards, and grants
- Create submission portals for applications for OHA scholarships, organize scholarship applications for review committees, and contact all applicants regarding the outcome of committee decisions
- Manage awards committees, answering questions, receiving the final decisions, and following up with the winners regarding logistics
- Manage publicity for all scholarship and award winners
- Liaison to Council o Attend and help plan two in-person Council meetings each year, one in Feb-March and one at the Annual Meeting in October, as well as other monthly virtual council meetings, providing reports, minutes, and other documentation as needed
- Provide information, contacts, and other materials upon request to Council members throughout the year
- Other Duties
Maintain all software licenses/subscriptions o Assist with facilitating webinars, workshops, and other member events o Assist with social media schedules o Other duties as assigned