It is with sadness that we acknowledge the news that Dr. Anne Firor Scott has passed away. A pioneer in establishing the field of women’s history, Dr. Scott’s work and service over five decades have served as a model for generations of scholars. Emboldened by movements for social change in the 1950s and 1960s, Dr. Scott’s first book The Southern Lady: From Pedestal to Politics (Chicago UP, 1970) stood as a sharp rebuke of elite academic and political institutions that claimed legitimacy based on histories that excluded and minimized the contributions of women. In the decades since, historians have plumbed the depths of Dr. Scott’s scholarship to cultivate a dynamic and vibrant field of women’s history. She did not shy away from, but rather called attention to, the complexities of women as marginalized historical subjects, particularly in the relationships between Black and White women. Her meticulous scholarship revealed Black and White women as both allies and adversaries, women who sometimes stood together and against each other on issues of profound political, economic, and cultural significance. Slavery. Suffrage. Freedom. Dr. Scott understood intimately the power of women telling stories about women. In a storied career of professional firsts and honors, the Association of Black Women Historians thank her especially for championing groundbreaking scholarship and scholars of Black women’s history.