African, African American, and African Diasporic Literature Search, 2024-2025
Position Authorization # 998100
The English Department at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in African, African American, and African Diasporic literature, to begin August 1, 2025.
We welcome applicants who conduct research in any area of African, African American, and African Diasporic literary studies. We seek a teacher-scholar with research and teaching interests in areas that would complement and expand departmental strengths, including its collaborative relationship with UNCG’s African American & African Diaspora Studies program.
The successful applicant for this position will teach courses in literature at the undergraduate and graduate level, will advise undergraduates and contribute to the supervision of M.A. and Ph.D. students, and will pursue research related to the applicant’s area of specialization.
- Applicants should demonstrate excellence in teaching and strong potential for independent research.
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a diverse academic setting and demonstrated knowledge of inclusive, accessible, and culturally relevant teaching practices is desirable.
Candidates must hold or anticipate a Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree in English or a related discipline by August 1, 2025.
To apply for this position (#998100), please visit our website at https://spartantalent.uncg.
Please upload a letter of application, a CV, a list of references, and a two-page teaching statement that includes evidence of teaching effectiveness.
Please include in your teaching statement a list of potential courses you would like to teach at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Three references letters will be requested for candidates who are invited to interview.
The review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position has been filled.
Questions about the position may be directed to Anthony Cuda, Search Committee Chair, at [email protected].
Application deadline: February 25, 2024