The Story of Mr. Thomas Carney - A Maryland Patriot of the American Revolutionary War
Steven Xavier Lee
The Story of Mr. Thomas Carney’ is a color illustrated book for ages 11-years-0ld to elders, and is the first storybook on a Maryland African American Revolutionary War soldier. A documentary dramatization of a real-life Maryland hero, this account unprecedentedly portrays the Revolutionary War Era through the lens of a free African American family, and the actual military record of Mr. Carney. Based on, and chocked full of historical and cultural facts and events of the Era, this narrative presents a more accurate and culturally diverse image of Maryland, her people, and their contributions in the ascent of a new nation.
In this literary work the Carney family, the odyssey and extraordinary service of Thomas, serve as archetypes for the existence, hopes and aspirations of Maryland’s little-known extensive free black community, and significant service of black soldiers in the War for Independence. Through the adventure of this book we live and explore, the life and times of early Maryland as we never have before.