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Wondery’s American History Tellers Revisits the Stonewall Inn

4-part series on Stonewall Riots premieres June 17

What: The police raid at New York’s Stonewall Inn on a busy Friday night in 1969 unleashed a series of riots and demonstrations that lasted six days. It proved a turning point in the burgeoning gay rights movement. Some activists who advocated a more gradual, incremental approach to equality worried that this spontaneous uprising threatened to undo decades of careful work. Only in hindsight would it become clear that Stonewall wasn’t a setback, but an important step forward.

Wondery’s American History Tellers’ latest four-part series, Stonewall, looks at how the riots inspired people across the country to join a larger fight for social and political equality—a battle still being fought today.

American History Tellers takes you to the events, the times, and the people that shaped America and Americans — our values, our struggles and our dreams.

When: Wednesday, June 17th

Where: American History Tellers is also available on Apple Podcasts and Wondery+

Quotes, imagery, and clips from the episodes are available upon request. Let us know if you’d like to include Wondery’s four-part series on Stonewall in your upcoming pride month coverage.