On Tuesday, April 19, 2022, members of the James Weldon Johnson Branch of ASALH traveled via bus furnished by Equal Ground to Tallahassee, Florida to speak before the Florida Senate and Florida House of Representatives in opposition to the map drawn by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Members speaking were Ingrid Montgomery, Myrtle Lucas, First Vice President Juanita Powell-Williams and President Hazel Gillis. Below are two tweets posted by Andrew Pantazi:
@apantazi: Juanita Powell Williams, a lawyer from Jacksonville: “Florida has become a laughingstock, unfortunately. And unfortunately, you as our leaders are privvy to that.”
@apantazi: Hazel Gillis of Jacksonville: “By proposing a congressional map that reduces Florida’s Black representation by 50%, the governor is trying to silence the votes of hundreds of thousands of Black voters.
President Gillis stated “the governor is attempting to silence the voices of the hundreds of thousands of Black voices” and that means our votes are being silenced. Although, the legislature voted to approve the map drawn by Governor DeSantis, our opposition went on the record.
View photos from event below.