The Members Bookshelf is where ASALH members can have their books posted for others to learn about with links to purchase them. A member may submit a book to the bookshelf by using this submission form. Items reviewed and approved for posting will appear here.
(Titles are listed in alphabetical order by author.)
- All
- Biography
- Children's Literature
- Education
- Fiction
- Health & Medicine
- History
- Memoir
- Music
- Non-Fiction
- Poetry
- Self-Help
- Spirituality
- Sports
- Tech
- The ASALH Book Prize
- The Members Bookshelf
- Women's History
- Young Adult
Joe Madison (Author)
Dave Canton (Author)
Pearl K. Dowe (Author)
Sharon D. Wright Austin (Editor)
Casarae Lavada Abdul-Ghani
Gloria J. Browne-Marshall
Leonard Weather Jr. RPh, MD, FAPCR
Dr. Walter D. Greason
Charles W. McKinney Jr. & Francoise Hamlin
Edwin Bancroft Henderson, II
Margaret Seidler with Paintings by John W. Jones
Charles L. Brown Jr.
Alfonso W. Hawkins Jr.
Holly A. Pinheiro, Jr.
Black Voices: Inspiring and Empowering Quotes from Global Thought Leaders
Etta Willson, Rita Colbert, Linneall Naylor, Rondia Prescott with Jenee Lindner
Ruben Britt, Jr. & Alicia Monroe
Dr. Rumbidzai Mufuka
Amrita Chakrabarti Myers
Dr. Shantella Yolanda Sherman
Rosalind Caldwell Stanley
Dr. Artika R. Tyner