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Shauna M. Morgan (she/her)

(As they would like it to appear in both print and online)

Dr. Shauna M Morgan

(Prefix, Middle, and Suffix where applicable)

Affiliation: University of Kentucky

Title:Associate Professor

Point of Contact:

(If different from above)

Phone Number: 954-263-4285

Email: [email protected]

Session Name: Poetry (Gladys Gary Vaughn)


Dr. Shauna M. Morgan is a poet-scholar and Associate Professor of creative writing and Africana literature at the University of Kentucky where she also serves as Director of Equity and Inclusion Initiatives in the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT). Before joining the University of Kentucky, Shauna was tenured on the faculty of English at Howard University.
Both her scholarly work and her poetry are deeply engaged with traditions of global Black art and culture. Her critical work has been published in _Journal of Postcolonial Writing; South Atlantic Review; Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies; College Language Association Journal_; and elsewhere. Her poetry has appeared in numerous publications including _A Gathering Together; Interviewing the Caribbean; A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia; ProudFlesh: New Afrikan Journal of Culture, Politics & Consciousness; and The A-LINE: a journal of progressive thought_.
Shauna’s chapbook, _Fear of Dogs & Other Animals_, was published by Central Square Press. Her current scholarly project, “The Life Thing in Us: Decoloniality and the Aesthetics of Liberation in Contemporary Black Poetry,” is a book that explores twenty-first-century poetry of the Black diaspora and investigates the ways in which the poets and their works move along a continuum of decoloniality in the ongoing struggle for global Black liberation. Shauna currently serves as editor of the _College Language Association Journal_.


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