Featured Events in November
Please join us for PastForward Online 2022 this fall! On-demand sessions will start in early October, while marquee events featuring well-known speakers or incorporating a live interactive component to the session will take place November 1-4.
Register by Monday, September 26 to take advantage of early bird discounts.
During the conference week in November, there will also be special events such as awards ceremony, virtual congressional visits, and networking sessions.
- Congressional Visits (Daily)
Work with members of the National Trust Government Relations department to help educate Members of Congress on preservation priorities.
- Networking (Daily)
Join preservation partners and allies for structured interaction and networking on topics facing the field today.
- National Preservation Awards Ceremony Hosted by Bob Vila (Friday, November 4)
Prepare to be inspired by extraordinary preservation stories and the individuals who made them happen! Leave the event energized to tackle preservation projects in your own community.
Learn more about all the November 1-4 scheduled sessions, and the on-demand sessions available in October.