ASALH South Florida Woodsons Birthday Celebration

Dear Friends of ASALH South Florida:

This link is to photos at AARLCC where we celebrated the 144th Birthday of the founder of Black History Month, Dr. Carter G. Woodson. 
Our hats are off to Roslyn Dean, Makiba Foster, and Kelvin Watson for their vision to produce this inspiring event. The keynote speaker, Dr. Daryl Scott, Past President of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, related some of Woodson’s history to the audience. We were engrossed in Dr. Scott’s knowledge and understanding of the powerful legacy that Woodson created with his journals on African American History and the organization he founded – ASALH. When asked how we can grow our chapter, Dr. Scott said to concentrate on bringing one member at a time to each meeting. Create memorable programming for young people, and continue to promote the Woodson legacy.
Before and after the program, our chapter, ASALH South Florida promoted the organization and encouraged attendees to join us. Many thanks to our President, Charlene Farrington, and Vice President of Membership, Pamela Frazier for working together to bring awareness about ASALH South Florida and assist new members in their application process.
Other organizations represented by attendees were Spady Cultural Heritage Museum, Sankofa Study Group, BSU of PBSC South Campus, NCBAA,  FMU, and WIJSF that featured guitarist Lorna Lesperance during the cake ceremony. The performances by the Art Prevails Project directed by Darius Daughtry were riveting!
The African American Research Library and Cultural Center (AARLCC) was an excellent venue for this event. This center is steeped in the historicity of Africans in America, particularly in South Florida. Thanks, also, to the Friends of AARLCC for supporting this event. The birthday cake was lovely and delicious.
May Dr. Woodson’s legacy continue to thrive in the hearts of everyone who understands the magnitude of his work to preserve and archive the history of Africans in America.