The College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University announces a new postdoctoral or post-MFA fellows program in the Arts & Humanities.
The Post-Doc and/or Post-MFA two-year appointment in African American & African Studies (AAAS) will build and expand on the department’s specializations in Black Feminisms, Black Gender Studies, and Black Sexuality Studies via an integrated interdisciplinary approach to research and/or creative activities, teaching, service, and community engagement through artist scholarship. AAAS faculty walk the talk of an integrated interdisciplinary approach to their scholarship as evidenced by the range of formal disciplinary trainings across existing faculty and the even wider range of approaches used to impact and innovate specialized academic conversations, inform, and shift public thought and opinion, and create wholly new communities from which to create and share knowledge. Such work requires disrupting traditional criteria of scholarly excellence so that discrete boundaries between research, creative work, teaching, and engagement become moot; in favor of educational productions experiences-performances that integrate the whole of Black life and living. Likewise, the concept of artist-scholarship is indicated as “postdoctoral and/or post-MFA” to acknowledge art-making and creativity as foundational to Black Studies, whereas faculty in AAAS are not made to choose one form over another for the sake of institutional legibility.
For more details including , minimum and desired qualifications, and to apply, visit http://careers.msu.edu (job #835897).
The College of Arts & Letters recognizes that only an academic and organizational culture, which actively seeks out and strengthens diverse voices and perspectives among its members results in true excellence. We are an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. The College of Arts & Letters is particularly interested in candidates of all backgrounds who are committed to the principle that intellectual leadership is achieved through open access and pro-active inclusion.
Application deadline: January 10, 2025
Date posted: January 18, 2023