Thank you for attending ASALH's Annual Conference! Let us know what you think of our event and help us improve!

You may answer as many or as few questions as you would like.

(Live - Current) Conference Attendee Survey
Please rate the overall conference
Rate the Sessions You Attended (You can provide details in the comment section below)
Did you attend the Executive Council meeting, Wednesday from 3-5 pm?
Rate the 1st day of Issue for the 2024 Kwanzaa stamp at the Heinz History Center
Rate the Opening Night Reception at the Heinz History Center
Rate the Thursday Black History Tour
Rate the Thursday Luncheon
Rate the Thursday Plenary Session (Place, Politics, and the Future of Black Pittsburgh History)
Rate the Author’s Book Signing
Rate the Journal of African American History Reception
Rate the Friday Carter G. Woodson Luncheon
Rate the Friday Plenary Session (A Soulful Urge)
Rate the Friday Night In Reception
Rate the Saturday John Blassingame Luncheon
Rate the Saturday Plenary Session (Hollywood and Black Histories)
Rate the Saturday Awards Banquet
Rate the Sunday Bus Tour
Rate the registration, conference website and pre-conference materials
Rate the support and service of staff and volunteers
Rate the exhibitors and vendors
What category best describes your employer?
Are you an ASALH Branch member?
Do you follow ASALH on social media, Linked In, or other platforms?
Is this your first ASALH Conference?