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Dr. Fernando Orejuela
(As they would like it to appear in both print and online)
Dr. Fernando Orejuela
(Prefix, Middle, and Suffix where applicable)
Affiliation: Indiana University Bloomington
Point of Contact:
(If different from above)
Phone Number: 9999999999
Email: [email protected]
Session Name: African American Music (Louis Hicks)
Fernando Orejuela, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology and Affiliated Faculty of African American and African Diaspora Studies and Latino Studies at Indiana University Bloomington. Trained in the disciplines of folklore and ethnomusicology, his research focuses on the history of hip hop, social justice issues, and cultural or subcultural traditions with special attention to musical cultural expressions, folk art, and material culture, and dance—the topic of his book, Rap and Hip Hop Culture (2021).He is also the co-editor with Stephanie Shonekan of Black Lives Matter Movement and Music (2018)—a volume that balances critical race theory with Black music and social movements. Orejuela offers a broad perspective on the history and development of rap and hip-hop culture nationally and globally as well as the use of technology in the humanities. He teaches courses on hip-hop culture, Latinx hip-hop, subcultures and youth music scenes, musical subcultures and social movements, children’s folklore and service learning, and play gaming, and sports. He served as a music consultant for the National Music of African American Music in Nashville, Tennessee, and a member of the advisory team for Carnegie Hall’s A History of African American Music.
Rory and Kit,
Please for his profile information to me so that I can confirm that the information is correct. I solicited this information prior to Thanksgiving and felt that it was a duplication of effort for them to fill it in again. I also, thought that as an academic, it might be a little hard to have them respond over the Christmas break. I did not think that I would get a response until mid-January when they returned to the campus. The moderator made the request to all the panelists and they are her former students. I should be able to correct all phone numbers by Thursday, December 22, 2022, at the latest.