ASALH announces the important two-part documentary series on The Black Church by host and writer Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

The Black Church premiered Feb. 16th & 17th on PBS.

THE BLACK CHURCH:  THIS IS OUR STORY, THIS IS OUR SONG is produced by McGee Media, Inkwell Media and WETA Washington, D.C., in association with Get Lifted. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is the writer, host, and executive producer. Dyllan McGee, John Legend, Ty Stiklorius, Mike Jackson are executive producers.  Stacey L. Holman is the series producer and director. Christopher Bryson and Shayla Harris are producer/directors. 



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We love all the support we have been receiving from you on ASALH TV!  We want our ASALH family to continue to grow so we have partnered with Penguin Random House for our ASALH TV Book Giveaway.

The only thing you have to do is subscribe to ASALH TV on YouTube and you will be entered into a random drawing to win a copy of The Black Church by the New York Times bestselling author Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Register for THIS Marquee Event of the Black History Month Virtual Festival hosted by ASALH where Henry Louis Gates, Jr is our keynote speaker.

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