Thank you for your interest in submitting your position on the ASALH website.  You may use this webform to submit information to ASALH staff for review and posting on our website.

ASALH Members may post for free and can use the online form below.

The fee for Non-members is $60 per post. Click the $60 per post in the previous sentence to  pay and post your position.

Postings should not be longer than 300 words. The posting will be removed after the deadline.

NOTE: You may wish to type the information in a separate document beforehand and cut and paste the text into the appropriate fields.

Please select the type of posting below and that will generate the appropriate form. Please complete all required fields. Only when all required fields have information in them will the “Submit” button at the bottom be able to be pressed. Please provide as much information as possible to assist us in promoting your item properly.

ASALH reserves the right to edit or not publish any submission.

How would you like the information posted?

Maximum file size: 5MB

Are you a current member of ASALH? *