The editorial staff for the Journal of African American History (FAAH) is delighted to announce a 2025 special issue focusing on historically Black colleges and universities, or HBCUs, guest edited by Jelani Favors and Fredara Hadley. To bolster interest in not only that issue specifically but also JAAH generally within the HBCU community, the staff will sponsor a journal-cover competition among HBCU undergraduate and graduate students. Utilizing their colleges’ or universities’ archives, special collections, or similar repositories, students will select and submit fitting images for the cover, and the editorial staff and guest editors will judge those images (the student or students with the winning entry will be responsible for securing reuse permission and pay any attendant cost for reuse). The editorial staff will present $250.00 to the winner and acknowledge the winner’s college or university in the credit line of the special issue’s front matter.

Entries must be high resolution and should be emailed to [email protected]. 2025 HBCU Cover” should appear in the subject field. April 1, 2025, is the deadline to submit.

Please contact the editorial staff with any comment or question at jaah@

Submission deadline: April 1, 2025