Love, As Usual
Laura L. Jordan
“I have seen much, yet say nothing…” does not imply the absence of a voice. If anything, Laura’s poetic illustrations from adolescence to womanhood speaks volumes as a stream of consciousness that conceptualizes the multidimensionality of Love.
But it doesn’t come easy.
Suffocated by a vanity-driven society that trivializes Love, Laura finds herself at an impasse of desperation and determination as she reconciles various perspectives on being told what Love is, learning what Love isn’t- and living what it’s supposed to be.
The title “Love, As Usual” is an ironic betrayal to the oversimplification of Love’s dynamism in the human experience. Not for the faint of heart, Laura’s decade-long poetry collection arranges Love into six realms, unapologetically exploring the depths of her self-reflection with a painful honesty. Through poetic introspection Laura articulates the collected experiences and emotions both she and the women around her have endured in the search for attaining metaphysical Love in corporeal form. In exchange, Laura’s garnered wisdom allows her to transform her perspective and philosophical outlook on seeing Love, not as an acquired resource from others- but as an intricate symbiosis between Self and the Divine in all areas of life.
“Love, As Usual” is open invitation to traverse the boundless power, influence, and complexity Love has, challenging the intellect with cerebral diction and next-level intensity.
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