Use the dropdown to select your sponsorship level.



• Company representative to provide camera-ready five-minute prerecorded remarks shown on screen during a key presentation at the event

• Company representative to provide camera-ready five-minute prerecorded remarks shown on screen during a key presentation at the event

• ASALH customized virtual program featuring speaker support for a corporate planned event within the next 12 months.

• Sponsor branded e-marketing message sent to ASALH members • Full page advertisement in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

• Opportunity for sponsor representative to serve as a member on the Host Committee

• Ten (10) conference registrations. Include sessions, meals, and packages.

• Fifty (50) Black History posters and Fifty (50) Lapel pins. Products can support corporate events; donation drives to local school systems to support Black History programming and more


• Company provided 60 second advertisement shown during the event

• Company branded as sponsor in all website digital marketing, email marketing and social media promotion

• Company name, logo and link to company website on event page for 12 months

• Five (5) 1-year ASALH current and next-year corporate membership (can be gifted to organization of your choice)

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 


• Company representative to provide camera-ready three-minute prerecorded remarks shown on screen during a key presentation at the event

• Sponsor branded e-marketing message sent to ASALH members

• Full page advertisement in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

• Opportunity for sponsor representative to serve as a member on the Host Committee

• Ten (10) conference registrations. Conference registration is for sessions and includes four (4) meal events per person.

• Twenty-five (25) Black History posters and (25) Lapel pins. Products can support corporate events; donation drives to local school systems to support Black History programming and more


• Company provided 60 second advertisement shown during the event

• Company branded as sponsor in all website digital marketing, email marketing and social media promotion

• Company name, logo and link to company website on event page for 12 months

• Four (4) 1-year ASALH current and next-year corporate memberships (can be gifted to organization of your choice)

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 


• Company representative to provide camera-ready one-minute prerecorded remarks. To be shown on screen during a key presentation at the event

• Full page advertisement in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

• Five (5) conference registrations. Conference registration is for sessions and four (4) meal events per person. 

• Five (5) ASALH-themed tote bags. Products can support corporate events; donation drives to local school systems to support Black History programming and more


• Company provided 30-second advertisement shown during the event

• Company branded as a sponsor in all website digital marketing, email marketing, and social media promotion

• Company name, logo, and link to company website on event page for 12 months

• Two (2) 1-year ASALH current and next-year corporate memberships (can be gifted to the organization of your choice)

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 


• Half-page advertisement in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

• Two (2) conference registrations with sessions and four (4) meals each. 

Three (3) conference registrations for sessions only.


• Company branded as a sponsor in all website digital marketing, email marketing, and social media promotion

• Company name, logo, and link to company website on the event page for 12 months

• One (1) 1-year ASALH current and next-year corporate membership (can be gifted to the organization of your choice)

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 


• Full page advertisement in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

• Two (2) conference registrations with sessions and four (4) meals each


• Company name, logo and link to company website on event page for 12 months

• One (1) 1-year ASALH next year Institutional Membership

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 


Full Page Advertisement $1200

Half Page Advertisement $600

Quarter Page Advertisement $300

Advertisements in the digital souvenir journal remain on the website for 12 months.


Individuals can give to support the ASALH Conference and be recognized as an Emerald Patron donor.

Sponsor Benefits:

1-year ASALH institutional membership (can be gifted to the organization of your choice)

Two (2) complimentary general registrations to attend the conference sessions

Quarter-page advertisement in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

Sponsor name will be listed in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

Use the dropdown to select your sponsorship level.

Individuals can give to support the ASALH Conference and be recognized as a Ruby Patron donor.

Sponsor Benefits:

1-year ASALH general membership

Two (2) complimentary general registrations to attend the conference sessions

Sponsor name will be listed with the Host Committee in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

ASALH Black History Ornament

ASALH Black History Greeting Card Set

Use the dropdown to select your sponsorship level.

Individuals can give to support the ASALH Conference and be recognized as a Sapphire Patron donor.

Sponsor Benefits:

One (1) complimentary general registration to attend the conference sessions

Sponsor name will be listed in the digital souvenir journal for 12 months

ASALH Black History Greeting Card Set

Use the dropdown to select your sponsorship level.


These unique and innovative sessions are an opportunity for middle and high school educators to receive training in teaching that incorporates dimensions of African American culture and tenets of identity development for students. Sponsorship supports 50 educators to attend the sessions and supports luncheon attendance, livestreaming, and instructional material that includes digital access for publications and classrooms.

Sponsor Benefits: 

  • Company representative to give brief two-minute prerecorded remarks shown on screen during the Supporters of Education Session.

  • Company name and logo listed in sponsor video shown during the event.

  • Company branded as a sponsor in all website banner ads, email marketing, and social media promotion

  • Company name, logo, and link to company website on the event page for 12 months

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 

Digital events and virtual event space can be branded to create a location-specific promotion for the conference attendees. Give ASALH guests the look and feel of traveling to a specific location, or experience sponsored by your company. Allow guests to engage with your brand from the comfort of their own homes.

Sponsor Benefits:

• Digital signage to promote the sponsor on the conference landing page

• Opportunity to promote products or services to attendees through branded event spaces

• Network with participants in Zoom breakout rooms

• Half-page advertisement in the conference souvenir program

• Company branded as a sponsor in all email marketing and social media promotion

• Company name, logo, and link to company website on event page for 12 months

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 

Sponsors have the opportunity to be a part of this unique event where ASALH works with film houses to bring current short films and historically significant film projects to conference at- tendees. The Film Festival is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Sponsor Benefits:

• Naming rights for the film festival

• Half-page advertisement in the digital souvenir journal

• Company branded as a sponsor in all website banner ads, email marketing, and social media


• Company name, logo, and link to company website on the event page for 12 months

• Company name listed in the digital souvenir journal

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 

ASALH After Hours is not only an opportunity to engage conference attendees but this event attracts the general public, especially college and university populations. Numerous participants come to hear poetry, play games, and network digitally after hours alongside locally and nationally prominent artists. The event is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Two or more organizations can share this sponsorship.

Sponsor Benefits:

• Opportunity to promote products or services to attendees through branded event spaces

• Digital signage to promote sponsor prior to event

• Opportunity to disseminate company or sponsor information

• Network with participants in game rooms

• Company name, logo, and link to company website on the event page for 12 months

• Branded thank you e-marketing message sent to ASALH After Hours event attendees

• Company name listed in the digital souvenir journal

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 

The Felix Armfield Dissertation Pitch provides funding for graduation students to promote their topics in a session during the conference. The winner(s) receive cash prizes to support their research.

Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915 or [email protected] to learn more. 


Contact ASALH at (202) 238-5915,  [email protected], or through the form below to learn more.

(Live - Current) 2024 Conference Sign Up
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Special thanks to our 2024 sponsors!

2024 Conference Sponsors