All tours are SOLD OUT.
Due to the incredible excitement about the 109th ASALH Annual Conference and Exhibits, September 25-29, 2024, the historical tour packages are ALL SOLD OUT! However, we are continuing to take names for our waitlist and you will be notified, in the order that your request was received, as space becomes available.
Also on Thursday, September 26th, and Sunday, September 29th, there may be a few people who have changed their plans and cannot take the tour. You can report to the Bus Pick Up area in the Omni (Oliver Street entrance) on the morning of the tour but, no later than 30 minutes before the tour departure time, and if space is available, you will be able to pay and participate in the tour.
Please complete the following information if you wish to be placed on a waitlist. We will contact you if there are any cancellations and will offer seats based on the order of requests that are submitted on this form.
Completing this form does not constitute a guarantee of a seat on the tour.
See you in Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh African American Heritage Bus Tour
Thursday, Sept. 26th
Bus loads at 7:00 a.m. EST
Bus departs at 7:30 a.m. EST
Bus returns to the hotel at 11:45 a.m. EST
Tour of Pittsburgh:
This excursion is more than a guided bus tour. It is an immersive experience that is not to be missed!
Along the way, we will be joined by community members who were brought up in, live in, work in, and LOVE the Hill. They will share with us a compilation of their stories and lived experiences. We will also be visiting a number of buildings that have had many lives each with their own interesting stories waiting to be told. We will learn about the neighborhoods past, present, and exciting plans for the future. Our guide, Terri Baltimore has a few new surprises planned for our journey along with great music and delicious food!
The tour will be led by Terri Baltimore and will include the following:
- Freedom Corner/Lower Hill District – Centre Avenue and Kirkpatrick Street (Group disembarks); a storyteller meets the group at this stop *
- The August Wilson House- 1727 Bedford Avenue (Group remains on the bus)
- August Wilson Park – 1801 Cliff Street (Group remains on the bus)
- HOPE VI Housing – Bedford Avenue (Group remains on the bus)
- Memory Lane Overlook – Memory Lane (Group remains on the bus)
- Josh Gibson Field – 1001 Memory Lane (Group disembarks); a storyteller meets the group at this stop *
- Bedford Dwellings – Bedford Avenue and Francis Street (Group disembarks) *
- Centre Avenue YMCA -2951 Centre Avenue (Group remains on the bus)
- MOKA Art Gallery – 2297 Centre Avenue (Group disembarks); a storyteller meets the group at this stop *
- Crawford Grill -2951 Wylie Avenue (Group disembarks); storyteller(s) meet(s) the group at this stop
- Thelma Lovette YMCA -2114 Centre Avenue Restroom Stop
- Jitney Station – Wylie Avenue and Erin Street (Group remains on the bus)
- August Wilson Mural (Erin Street) (Group disembarks for a photo opportunity)
- Thaddeus Mosley Sculpture – Centre Avenue and Dinwiddie Street (Group remains on the bus)
- Hill House Association – 1835 Centre Avenue (Group disembarks)
- ACH Clear Pathways- 1837 Centre Avenue (Group disembarks) for snack *
Tour locations are subject to change
Sunday Trolley Tour: August Wilson Experience – Tour of August Wilson’s Hill District and the August Wilson Home
Sunday, Sept. 29th
Bus departs at 9:00 a.m. EST
August Wilson Tour:
Tour Coordinator:
Dr. Kimberly Ellis
August Wilson’s maternal niece
Founder: The Historic Hill Institute
American and African Studies Scholar
Tour description:
You will see the actual sites that impacted August Wilson’s life, served as the setting or references for some of his plays, as well as the film location of “Fences” and places of tremendous interest for Wilson fans and aficionados.
During Denzel Washington’s visit to Pittsburgh as he prepared to shoot “Fences,” the Founding Executive Director, Attorney Paul Ellis, and his sister, Dr. Kimberly Ellis, gave Denzel Washington a private tour of the dilapidated structure and what it would mean to revitalize the home as the Hill District’s economic anchor. You will hear details about this journey and understand how this relationship continues to unfold.
Peppered with familial and fun anecdotes, Dr. Ellis will share personal and professional stories about Wilson and his literary journey, ending the tour at the National Historic Register of Places—-the August Wilson House, where refreshments will be served and guests will have the opportunity to tour his boyhood home, which is a sight to behold!
Tour locations are subject to change