Perceptions, Policing and Impact
Activities and Materials:
- The HistoryMakers Digital Archive – Look at stories by African Americans, two of whom are on the Chicago police force. Discuss the complexity of the issues described by their firsthand accounts:
- Howard Saffold on Police Brutality and his work organizing Black Policemen– Chicago in 1970s
- Renault Robinson recalls his legal fight to get Black policeman on the Chicago police force in the 1970s and his activism in the Black community
- The Honorable Les Brown on Police Brutality – Columbus, Ohio in 1970s
- Read about Prison Hunger Strike Agreements (2012)
Mass Incarceration and Resilience
- Race, foreign policy, and the carceral state survey
- Prison writing response
- Barring freedom — Reflection questions
- Barring Freedom: https://barringfreedom.org/
- Black Mama’s Bailouts: https://www.nationalbailout.org/
- Per(Ssister) Traveling Exhibit: https://www.persister.info/about
- Go on the websites of exhibits of artistic work done by incarcerated men and women and discuss the power of the arts and creativity as forms of resistance and resilience.
Criminal Justice Advocacy in Action
- Open Letter Project
- Discuss Essie’s Justice. The impact of incarceration on families.https://www.becauseshespowerful.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Essie-Justice-Group_Because-Shes-Powerful-Report.pdf
- Berger, Dan, Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era (2014)