(Live - Current) Membership Committee Interest

Interested in serving ASALH? Desire to learn about the operations of membership? Consider joining the National Membership Committee. There are 7 seats on the National Membership Committee for ASALH citizens to join in discussion and planning for our various communities of membership. As Vice President for Membership there are 7 seats on the national membership committee, the Vice President for Membership is constitutionally bound to fill. Therefore, everyone is invited to consider service on this committee. The National Membership Committee serves all citizens of ASALH on the frontline in concert with ASALH HQ to address basic needs and services as well as garner suggestions. As we prepare for the annual meeting - the National Membership Committee will meet twice this summer to address administrative matters and share big visions for all communities of membership. If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to contact ASALH Vice President for Membership, Ida Jones, through this form.
