Do you have any questions or comments regarding PROPOSAL 7, which reads: Amend By-Laws Article 5 – BRANCHES and BRANCH MEMBERSHIPS by inserting “ASALH Constitution” after “the” and before “and”; and striking " and" and inserting “, ” in its place and adding “ , and compliance requirements located in the latest edition of the Branch Procedural Manual.”
Do you have any questions or comments regarding PROPOSAL 8, which reads: Amend By-Laws Article 6 – COMMITTEES OF ASALH (paragraph 1) by inserting “Chair and members of the” between “the” and “following”, AND adding “ All Committees of ASALH shall be chaired by a member of the Executive Council. ” AND insert “Academic” before “Program Committee.”
Do you have any questions or comments regarding PROPOSAL 9, which reads: AMEND BY-LAWS ARTICLE 7 – Amendments by striking “by a majority vote at any Annual Meeting of the Association.” and inserting in its place “in either of two ways: (1) A proposed amendment may first originate in, or be submitted to, the Executive Council. It shall then be approved by two-thirds of the members present and voting at the Annual Meeting, provided that the membership shall have been apprised of the proposed change(s) at least sixty (60) days before the Annual Meeting. (2) Amendments may be submitted at the Annual Meeting of the Association. Upon approval by majority vote, such amendment(s) will be presented for final approval at the next Annual Meeting of the Association. Adoption of the proposed Amendments shall be affected by two-thirds of the members present.”
Do you have any questions or comments regarding PROPOSAL 10, which reads: AMEND BY-LAWS SECTION 6 – Committees of ASALH, Subsection C – DUTIES - by inserting “Members of” before “Committees”; AND insert “committee membership” after “and” and before “can”.
Do you have any questions or comments regarding PROPOSAL 11, which reads: AMEND CONSTITUION ARTICLE 3- OFFICERS, SECTION 2f3 – QUALIFICATIONS, ELECTIONS, AND TERMS – by striking “shall” and inserting “may” in its place.
Do you have any questions or comments regarding PROPOSAL 12, which reads: AMEND BY-LAW SECTION 2f5 – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - by striking the entire section
Do you have any questions or comments regarding PROPOSAL 13, which reads: Amend By-Laws by inserting a new section "5. VIOLATIONS OF CODE OF ETHICS, CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY, AND/OR ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY a) Sanction/Discipline for Violations - Any member found to be in violation of the Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Policy, and/or Anti-Harassment Policy shall be subject to sanctions/discipline by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Council. Sanctions and disciplinary actions may be in the form of temporary suspension, temporary loss of participatory rights, fine, censure, vote of no confidence, or any combination thereof. Upon achieving a 2/3 vote, notice of the sanction/discipline shall be provided in writing, by the President, Secretary, or Executive Director, to 1.) the member found to be in violation and 2.) the Association. b) Appeal of Sanction/Discipline - Sanctions and/or discipline may be appealed by submitting a request in writing to the Executive Council, within 15 days of the notice of sanction. A special meeting of the Executive Council will be called for the purpose of considering the appeal, within 15 days of receipt of the appeal request. Sanctions/discipline shall be overturned by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Council. If the sanction/discipline is overturned, notice shall be provided in writing, by the President, Secretary, or Executive Director, to 1.) the member formerly found to be in violation and 2.) the Association.”
Do you have any questions or comments regarding PROPOSAL 14, which reads: AMEND BY-LAW SECTION 2e – TRESURER - by striking “All expenditures shall be made by check and signed as authorized by the Executive Council.”
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