The Private Branch Members Page is emailed to all current members, check back regularly for important documents. The password for the Private Branch Members Page is emailed to all current branch members.
Complimentary Print Copies of the JAAH for Branch Members
One of the benefits of being a branch member is that you receive a complimentary print copy subscription in addition to the digital version that is provided to all members except associate members. If you do not receive your branch copy, please inform your branch officer(s) or email [email protected].
To Request a List of Branch Current and Former Members
Any branch officer who requests a copy of the current or former branch officers may do so by emailing [email protected]. The president of the branch should be copied on all requests.
Veterans History Project
ASALH branches are encouraged to submit interviews for the Veterans History Project. Click this link to go to the site for the information and details.
How to Reinstate an ASALH Branch
The 2025 National Branch Membership Meeting Schedule
All branch members are invited and are encouraged to attend these virtual meetings. Notices for the meetings will be emailed to each branch member.
The 2025 schedule will be posted by January 2025.
Family Activity Instructions
Use these activities to join a nationwide movement to honor the elders in your family by capturing their stories through oral history interviews in this FAMILY MENTORING MISSION STATEMENT ACTIVITY.
Is the History of your Branch on file?
On May 15, 2015 all branches were to turn in their branch history using the template located in the Branch tool Kit. Please follow up with your branch president to see if your history was submitted. Your assistance may be needed in completing this important historical record.
The ASALH Logo and Central Images for the Annual Theme
ASALH Branches may use the ASALH logo for official business and promotion. All others must receive permission. Contact [email protected].
Use the News submission form to submit post event coverage, information about branch members and other news. Share information about the branch and branch members who have been recognized by other organizations. Share information that will be recorded in ASALH records to highlight the impact that the branch and branch members have had on the community. Share the results of research projects and community service. Include details of events that have passed that will be of interest to those who did and did not attend.
Click here to learn about Protocols For Face-to-Face Meetings and Events.
An important benefit to ASALH Branches is to post branch events that support the mission and vision of ASALH to the national website. Events will appear in the Events Calendar and will scroll on the homepage of the website as the event draws near. Although most posts are updated within a week, please allow two to three weeks advance notice for events to be posted. Events must be submitted using this form.
Use the Event Submission form to submit events and meetings. These listings are to be used to provide information that will be included on the ASALH website to promote upcoming events. This form should also be used to post events that missed being posted prior to the event. Your submission is posted to the ASALH archives and the information will be on file as a record for the years to come of the activities and meetings planned by the branch where they took place.
All branches that post their Woodson Birthday event through the web portal by October 15 will receive a complimentary Black History kit for next year. Submissions should have a flyer attached so that the event can be promoted via ASALH National social media channels. Email submissions will not be accepted.